Posted by: Wayne | September 29, 2010

Death comes for us all…

Several years ago, back in college, Maria and I met a young man by the name of Justin Jackson.  Prior to our graduation, we became rather good friends.  He was my roommate for one semester, and ended up being the first person we saw after I proposed to Maria (we didn’t tell him until the next day).  He was also one of the groomsmen at our wedding, back in 2004.  Earlier this week, we received a call from his mother to let us know that he had been killed in a car accident.  His funeral is this Saturday, October 2nd, 2010, six years to the day after he was part of our wedding party.  We have seen him quite a number of times since getting married and he delighted in telling us his latest area of study (usually involving computers, often at quite a low level [not far removed from hardware]).  We will miss him.  He was a good man and a good friend.

Justin Jackson (on right), October 2, 2004.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.


  1. Thanks for posting this and for being a good friend to Justin. He enjoyed every visit with you and your family. Peace,–Doug

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